Alter Ego Punks (Genesis)

Supply: 1,000

Tiers :

  • Human (800)

  • Zombie (100)

  • Vampire (100)


  • Staking: Stake your punks to earn $PREY (emission rates as per the below section) and accumulate $PREY

  • Awaken: Combine two Alter Ego Punks, and 1,200 $PREY to awaken an Alter Ego Lycan (Limited Availability!) and mint an Alter Ego Hunter at the same time. The same two Alter Ego Punks can be used as many times as you want to awaken Lycans - as long as you have the $PREY!

  • Airdrops: Since our Alter Ego Punks are considered our original Genesis collection, holding a punk ensures you are eligible for future punk holder airdrops

  • 3D Playable Character Access: Holding an Alter Ego Punk permits you access to the Alter Ego Punk in-game playable characters in EgoVersus: The First Strike first person shooter

  • W3rks Referral Program: The EgoVerse NFT holders will earn a percentage of the fees through referring users to the W3rks DEX aggregator via affiliate links

  • W3rks Rebate Program: For each Alter Ego Punk held, users are entitled to a rebate (on completed contracts) of 0.5% per Punk. This rebate increases up to the maximum of 2% if 4 Alter Ego Punks are held. This unique feature incentivizes users to participate in The EgoVerse ecosystem while enjoying rebates from completed contracts

  • Merch Discounts: The EgoVerse are continually providing access to exclusive merchandise offers and owning a Punk can give the holder discounts on those offers

  • Tournaments: Regular EgoVersus: The First Strike tournaments are held within the community, with great prizes for participants ranging from tokens, NFTs, merch and much more.

  • Future IRL Business Perks: More Detail will follow in future! Watch this space!

Daily Emission Rates:

Humans = 10 $Prey Zombies = 10.5 $Prey Vampires = 10.5 $Prey

Secondary Market:


This collection is minted out.

Last updated